1. The government of the people, by the people for the people shall never perish from the earth,                         



  2. Education is the creation of a sound mind in a body.


  3. Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed some few to be chewed and

digested.         –BACON

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  1. Devoid of education, we are all beasts.         –BHARTRI HARI
  2. And study them unto noblest ends;

    Searching for knowledge, and to keep your mind

    The same it was inspired rich and refined.         -BEN JOHNSON

  3. From darkness lead me to light.

    From death lead me to immortality.             –BRIHADARNAYAKA UPANISHAD.

  4. Today is yesterday's pupil             --BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

  6.                  -BHAGWAT GITA

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  8. O solitude! Where are the charms

    That sages have seen in they race?              -COWPE

  9. There is a bridge between time and eternity this bridge is atman, the spirit in man, neither

    day nor night cross the bridge, not old age, nor death nor sorrow

                 -CHANDOGYA UPANISHAD

  10. Our greatest glory is not in never falling but it rising every time we fall


  11. What is this life if full of care?

    We have no time to stand and stare.         –DAVIS

  12. A world whose schools and other educational institutions are

    unreformed is an unreformed world.


  13. The fool cannot be mended by flogging and he who flogs is the greatest fool.


    17. The one problem of the whole problem of education may be comprised in a simple concept                                                         -HERBERT

    18. The great hope of society is individual character.         LORD BUDDHA

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    19. Life is real; life is earnest;

    And the grave is not its goal;

    Dust thou art, to dust retunes,

    Was not spoken of the soul.         –LONG FELLOW

    20. Lead others, not by violence, but by law and equity.         LORD BUDDHA

    21. 'To wipe every tear from every eye' should be the motto of our life.


    22. Honor and shame from no condition rise;

    Act they part well; there all the honor lies         -POPE

    23. God's in his heaven!

    All's right with the world!          - ROBERT BROWNING

    24. I ask not for his lineage

    I ask not for his name;

    If manliness be in his heart,

    He noble birth may claim.          –ROBERT NICOLL

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    25. When I walk, I feel it is india walking;

    When I speak, I feel it is india speaking.

    When I breathe, I feel it is india breathing.              –SWAMI RAM TIRTHA

    26. A teacher can never teach unless he is still learning himself.      –TAGORE

    27. self-control leads us unto heaven, but uncontrolled passion is the

    royal road to endless darkness.         –TIRUVALLUVAR

    28. Battle of waterloo wos in the playgrounds of eton              -WELLINGTON

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    29. The meanest flower that blow can give

    Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.         –WORDSWORTH

    30. what is this life if full of care,

    We have no time to stand and stare?         -W.H.DAVIS


    31. In the examinations, the foolish may ask questions that the wise cannot answer

        —OSCAR WILDE

    32. Cowards die many times before their deaths.

    The valiant never taste of death but once         -SHAKESPEARE


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